…on Retail Media for non-endemic advertisers

At this point, you’re following along, reading my blog. It’s for one of a few reasons: you’re my mom (hi Ann!), you’re drawn to my wit or you’re thinking about Retail Media and keep getting directed here (ideal, in my opinion). So, let’s assume you’re curious about Retail Media, you read my post on the basics of the concept, and then thought - “that’s great, Emily - but I am not a retailer, nor are my products/services sold in a third-party store - so there is nothing more for me here”. That’s where you might be wrong!

Hear me out, all you potentially non-endemic advertisers! Have you ever wished you could [for example] sell your pest control services to new homeowners, but have a niche focused on folks who are concerned about pesticides harmful to their children or pets? Look no further than a Retail Media network which knows how many moms are actively buying clean-ingredient baby laundry detergents, organic pre-made toddler foods and dog treats on repeat. If you could package up those attributes and scale the audience based on a match with your own records, is that magic in a bottle? Potentially! While Retail Media for non-endemic advertisers isn’t going to return an in-store revenue, neither is any other digital property, as far as I can imagine - so why not look at testing with some of the more dynamic companies out there, who are seeking creative ways to support your business? If your bottom line depends on activating intelligent media, I can’t think of a marketing arena more innovative than Retail Media today. Just ask the team at McKinsey, who believes there is $1.3 TRILLION (with a T) in enterprise value to be drawn from commerce media.

If you’re curious, but can’t figure out how to jump in - that’s precisely where The Kramer Consult can support your efforts. Reach out for a quick chat - we’d love to ideate together on how Retail Media can best serve you.


…on working ahead of today


…on Retail Media